Building a CLI in Bash
If you're just looking to hop straight to the final project, you'll want to check out SierraSoftworks/bash-cli on GitHub.
Anybody who has worked in the ops space as probably built up a veritable library of scripts which they use to manage everything from deployments to brewing you coffee.
Unfortunately, this tends to make finding the script you're after and its usage information a pain, you'll either end up grep
-ing a README file, or praying that the script has a help
feature built in.
Neither approach is conducive to a productive workflow for you or those who will (inevitably) replace you. Even if you do end up adding help functionality to all your scripts, it's probably a rather significant chunk of your script code that is dedicated to docs...
After a project I was working on started reaching that point, I decided to put together a tool which should help minimize both the development workload around building well documented scripts, as well as the usage complexity related to them.
What makes a good CLI?
I'm sure, if you're reading this post, that you've had experiences with both good and bad CLIs; but have you ever analyzed what makes a good CLI?
Before I started building bash-cli I sat down and fleshed out a couple of features I felt defined good quality command line interfaces.
1. Accessible on your $PATH
A command line tool which requires you to first locate its directoy on disk and then run ./scripts/my-app a b c
will always fall far short of a simple my-app a b c
in terms of usability, especially if the scripts themselves are cwd
Making sure that the scripts this tool exposed could be made available through your $PATH
without causing unintentional name conflicts was one of the core design aspects here.
2. Provides script usage information
Any command line tool worth its salt is required to show you how to use its various commands. The moment someone has to open up the docs to find out how to perform an action, you have failed.
This is most commonly provided when invalid arguments are provided to a script, or when the contextual help is triggered.
3. Provides contextual help
Contextual help is a very important component of practical command line tools. The help information should give the user any information required to make a decision on whether the command meets their requirements or not.
4. Exits non-zero on failures
From an automation perspective, a command which exits with an exit-code of 0
when it has failed is beyond infuriating - it immediately prevents you from being able to run things like my-app test a && my-app exec a b c
Any tool which wraps scripts should ensure that it surfaces the script's exit codes reliably, ensuring that any tools using them can continue to do so without issue.
5. Installs quickly and easily
Finally, a good CLI should be simple and easy to install. If you are required to pull down a compiler, runtime dependencies or build things then the barrier to entry is already raised far above what your average user is willing to do.
Ideally, a one-liner with no install requirements should be all it takes to setup your CLI.
What options exist already?
There are a good number of options out there for building command line tools, in every language under the sun. Some of the best ones I've had experience with include Go's brilliant urfave/cli and JavaScripts's commander.
:::: code-group ::: code-group-item javascript
import * as program from "commander";
.option("-p, --peppers", "Add peppers")
.option('-P, --pineapple', 'Add pineapple')
.option('-b, --bbq-sauce', 'Add bbq sauce')
.option('-c, --cheese [type]', 'Add the specified type of cheese [marble]', 'marble')
console.log("You ordered a pizza with:");
program.peppers && console.log(" - peppers");
program.pineapple && console.log(" - pineapple");
program.bbqSauce && console.log(" - bbq-sauce");
console.log(` - ${program.cheese} cheese`);
::: code-group-item golang
package main
import (
func main() {
app := cli.NewApp()
app.Name = "Pizza"
app.Usage = "Order a pizza"
app.Flags = []cli.Flag{
cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "peppers, p" },
cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "pineapple, P" },
cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "bbq-sauce, b" },
cli.StringFlag{ Name: "cheese, c" },
app.Action = func(c *cli.Context) error {
fmt.Println("You ordered a pizza with:")
if c.Bool("peppers") {
fmt.Println(" - peppers")
if c.Bool("pineapple") {
fmt.Println(" - pineapple")
if c.Bool("bbq-sauce") {
fmt.Println(" - bbq-sauce")
fmt.Printf(" - %s cheese\n", c.String("cheese"))
::: ::::
The problem with both of these solutions is that they require a runtime or compiler, breaking our 5th rule of good CLIs. Both also mean that you need to build your entire set of scripts on top of JavaScript or Go, something I'm sure nobody wants to do unless it's absolutely necessary.
So what can we do instead?
Command Proxies
The notion of a command proxy is rather analagous to a reverse proxy in the web world. It's an application which runs other apps based on the arguments it recieves, passing through arguments to the child application.
Adopting this approach has a number of benefits as it enables you to standardize the way scripts are accessed, provide wrapping functionality and only requires the proxy script to be available on the $PATH
in order to function.
As the solve purpose of a proxy is to forward requests to another service, or script as the case may be, the language and framework on which it is implemented is almost a non-issue. This potentially enables us to write the proxy in anything from Go to Python, JavaScript to Java. Of course, we're building something for Bash scripts, intended to be used by people who write Bash scripts on a daily basis, it makes perfect sense that we use C++ for this role...
Jokes aside, we'll be using Bash as it makes for a portable, understandable and customizable framework wihch any of our users can modify with ease.
Designing Bash CLI
I'm a strong proponent of only writing code once you've defined your problem domain and figured out the solution. In Bash CLI's case, our two problems are how we meet the 5 features which make a good CLI and how we make the lives of developers using our framework as easy as possible.
Many frameworks seem to forget that their primary users aren't the people who will use the products built on them, but the people who use the framework to build those products. Features and end-user facing components, while important, will not drive adoption of your framework in quite the same way that a great developer experience will.
With that in mind, we want Bash CLI's developer experience to be simple enough that documentation becomes extraneous rather than necessary. To accomplish that, let's create a directory structure which we'd like to work with and flesh out the commands we'd like to use to interact with it.
:::: code-group ::: code-group-item commands
# Print out the help information for the application
proxy help
# Print out the help information for "cmd"
proxy help cmd
# Print out the help information for the group "group"
proxy help group
# Print out the help information for "group cmd"
proxy help group cmd
# Run the command "cmd" and pass the argument "arg"
proxy cmd "arg"
# Print out the help information for the group "group"
proxy group
# Run the command "group cmd" and pass it 3 arguments
proxy group cmd "arg" "arg" arg
::: code-group-item directory structure
+--+-group # Command group "group"
| |
| +- .help # Help for command group
| |
| +- cmd # Command script for "group cmd"
| |
| +- cmd.usage # Usage details for "group cmd"
| |
| +- # Help file for "group cmd"
+- .author # Author information for this app
+- .bash_cli # Bash CLI API versioning marker
+- .name # Name of the application
+- .help # Help information for this application
+- cmd # Command script for "cmd"
+- cmd.usage # Usage information for "cmd"
+- # Help file for "cmd"
::: ::::
Now that we've got that out of the way, how do we make it work?
Finding the Script
Well the best place to start would be figuring out which script we're expected to run, given an arguments list like proxy group cmd
. To do that, we'll iterate over our command line arguments, looking for directories until we find the right script.
while [[ -d "$CMD_FILE" && $CMD_ARG_START -le $# ]]; do
# If the user provides help as the last argument on a directory, then
# show them the help for that directory rather than continuing
if [[ "${!CMD_ARG_START}" == "help" ]]; then
"$ROOT_DIR/help" $0 ${@:1:$(($CMD_ARG_START-1))}
exit 3
# Print out the command and its arguments
echo "Command: $CMD_FILE"
echo "Arguments: ${@:$CMD_ARG_START}"
This works brilliantly, but wasn't the point of this excercise that we didn't need to know our script's directory? Having it look in the current directory (CMD_FILE="$(pwd)"
) isn't going to help anybody.
Find the Scripts Directory
The solution we've opted to go for is that you have the proxy reside somewhere it can always find the scripts. You'd then either add that folder to your $PATH
, or better yet, symlink
the proxy itself into your $PATH
To do this, we want to determine the true path of the proxy's file. The simplest approach is to use the readline -f
command like this:
TRUE_SCRIPT=`readline -f "$0"`
Unfortunately, the first time you run this on a Mac you'll find that the -f
flag doesn't work... That's unfortunate, so how do we fix it?
There's a couple of hacky approaches, but the best is to use something which is available almost everywhere, perl
TRUE_SCRIPT=`perl -e 'use Cwd "abs_path"; print abs_path(shift)' $0`
Execute the Script
Now that we've got the script directory and can find the script based on that, we'll want to actually run the script. Bash makes doing so super easy, so using our variables from Finding the Script, we'll run the command file and pass the remaining arguments to it.
We accomplish this using the $@
variable, which spreads the arguments received by the running script as well as the ${VAR:OFFSET}
slice operation which will take everything from VAR
at the given OFFSET
and onwards.
Combining these two with ${@:2}
will return everything after, and including, the second argument to the script. Finally, we use our argument offset which was computed when looking for the command file to determine where to start.
Benjamin Pannell
Site Reliability Engineer, Microsoft
Dublin, Ireland