Out of the Box Docker

Docker is become an incredibly prevalent tool in the development and operations realms in recent months. Its combination of developer friendly configuration and simple operational management make it a very attractive prospect for companies and teams looking to adopt CI and CD practices.
In most cases, you'll see Docker used to deploy applications in much the same way as a zip file or virtual machine image. This is certainly the most common use case for Docker, but by no means the extent of its functionality.
In this post I'm going to discuss some of the more interesting problems we've used Docker to solve and why it serves as a great solution to them.
Cross Platform Commandline Tools
While frameworks like Python, Node.js and even Go have made the task of developing cross platform compatible command line tools rather straightforward, the simple fact is that in most cases it is necessary to either install the tool and its dependencies, or at worst, install the framework the tool depends on as well. All of this can quickly clutter your machine and introduce version incompatibilities.
On the other hand, Dockerizing your command line tools enables them to be executed on any Docker machine at a moment's notice, with no installation and an excellent security model.
We've used this to provide tools which depend on Linux specific functionality to our Windows developer-base, but it has the added advantage of normalizing the process of starting any of our tools - simply run a Docker container. This saves time and mental context in situations where they are at a premium.
To accomplish this effectively, we use a Dockerfile which sets the command line tool as the entrypoint and run it with the --rm
and -it
FROM alpine:3.4
ADD app /bin/app
ENTRYPOINT ["/bin/app"]
CMD ["--help"]
You can then easily convert any command that you'd run normally by replacing app
with your Docker run command...
docker run --rm -it sierrasoftworks/app say "Hello World!"
Encapsulating Tasks
While certainly not a common use-case, the concept of task encapsulation is one that Docker is perfectly suited to. Specifically, keeping everything necessary to run a task organized and accessible.
One of the best uses for this approach has been the encapsulation of automation workflows in Docker containers.
We primarily use Ansible as our automation orchestrator of choice, so packaging Ansible and the relevant playbooks into a Docker container presents an elegantly simple, accessible and reliable way to execute our playbooks from anywhere.
In our particular case, we've wrapped our playbooks using files like the following.
:::: code-group ::: code-group-item Dockerfile
FROM sierrasoftworks/docker-ansible
ADD ./ /ansible
ENTRYPOINT ["/ansible/run"]
CMD []
::: code-group-item bash
HOST="${HOST_SPEC%%" "*}"
if [[ "$ARGS_SPEC" == "$HOST_SPEC" ]]; then
if [[ "$PASS" == "$USER_SPEC" ]]; then
if [ -z "$USER" ]; then
>&2 echo "Host specification didn't include a user component"
exit 3
if [ -z "$HOST" ]; then
>&2 echo "Host specification didn't include a host component"
exit 3
echo "Running Remediation"
echo "User: $USER"
echo "Host: $HOST"
set -e
if [[ -z "$PASS" ]]; then
ansible-playbook -u $USER -i "$HOST," -k $ARGS_SPEC fix.yml
ansible-playbook -i "$HOST," \
-u "$USER" \
-e ansible_user="$USER" \
-e ansible_pass="$PASS" \
::: ::::
This enables us to execute a remediation against a specific host by executing the following command on either Windows, Mac or Linux.
docker run --rm -it sierrasoftworks/remediate/app "$(whoami)@host"
How to pass data to your tasks
There are two primary means of passing data to your tasks through Docker. The one shown above takes advantage of command line arguments and a wrapper script which parses those. This approach works very well where humans are concerned, as most developers are used to interacting with command lines in this manner.
If you're building tasks which will primarily be triggered by a machine, then it may make more sense to use environment variables like Drone does for its plugins. Environment variables have the added advantage of giving you more explicit control over the values passed into your tasks.
As a Tasks API
While one of Docker's main selling points is its simple and easy to understand interface, one domain I've not seen it applied to is treating Docker containers themselves as operations, using Docker as a kind of RPC framework.
I'd like to start by saying that this is by no means a recommendation that you replace every API and RPC tool you're using with Docker containers, there are a number of reasons why you would be better of not doing so. That being said, when the topic of pluggable logic is raised, the option of implementing that logic on any framework, in any language, with any libraries and as much (or as little) fluff as possible is one of the reasons to consider it.
Let's take the process of making a change to your infrastructure based on a Slack message. There are a number of different approaches we can take to solving this problem, so let's investigate each. We'll assume that in every case you have a chat bot like HuBot present.
1. Have your bot action the changes
This is the simplest solution from an architectural perspective, your bot's codebase includes the functions it needs to action any changes you request. The downside (and it is a big one) is that your bot's codebase starts to include your infrastructure's configuration - violating the principle of least responsibility.
A better option would be to separate the logic that makes the changes to your infrastructure from the bot, tying them together using configuration. It'd also be great if we could use things written in a different language to our bot (because CoffeeScript is dead).
2. Have your bot run scripts to make changes
By separating your change operations into a set of scripts, developed and deployed separately to your bot, you immediately reduce the complexity of your bot's codebase. You also ensure that changes to the way you manage your infrastructure don't need to change your bot's code, helping to keep things a bit less fragile.
The problem you face now is that you are required to deploy all the tools used by your scripts onto the same machine. While orchestrators like Ansible can do this reliably, it does lead to a rather messy setup - with lots of potential for breakage whenever things are updated.
Ideally we'd like to isolate each script and its dependencies from its peers. Doing so would enable us to update the tooling for one script without breaking others.
3. Have your bot run Docker containers
Let's apply our pattern from Encapsulating Tasks and wrap each change operation in its own Docker container. By isolating each task like this, we remove any technical restrictions on framework, language or dependencies required by a task and shift the focus of a task's implementation to solving the problem as quickly and reliably as possible.
To ensure that our implementation remains flexible and our sanity intact, we will need to decide on a standardized API for these containers. Pick whichever suits you best, but I think environment variables will probably be the simplest and most reliable in the long run.
At this point, all your bot needs to do to run a command is execute Docker like this.
docker run --rm -e TASK_ARG_1=xyz -e TASK_EXECUTED_BY=bpannell app/tasks/abc
While Docker offers a great application packaging and deployment experience, it is also capable of simplifying a great many other problems. By thinking of Docker as more than just a fancy "VM" and as a framework, we can begin applying some interesting patterns from the development world and solving some rather complex problems in beautifully elegant ways.
I'd be very interested to hear other interesting ways you've applied Docker to solve unusual problems in the comments below.

Benjamin Pannell
Site Reliability Engineer, Microsoft
Dublin, Ireland